Why You Should Fight For RECA Benefits
If you have ever heard of the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA), then you might have heard of the fact that people can receive financial compensation from the United States government if they have been exposed to radiation. You might think that you are eligible for these benefits, but you might not have gone through the process of fighting to receive these benefits. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't fight for RECA benefits, though. Doing so will probably be worth it for you for these reasons.
You Might Have Been Seriously Impacted
First of all, if you were exposed to radiation — such as if you lived near a radiation testing site or if you worked for the government and were involved in radiation testing — then you might have been seriously impacted because of it. Serious health impacts can occur for people who are exposed to radiation, and this might have happened to you, too. You might have been diagnosed with cancer or cardiovascular disease that might be associated with your radiation exposure, for example. You might not have been able to work because of these issues, so you might have lost a lot of income. Additionally, you might have racked up a lot of medical bills. Getting compensated in the form of RECA benefits might help you a little bit if you've been seriously impacted.
Your Loved One Might Not Have Been Compensated
If someone in your close family has passed away because of radiation exposure — or even for other reasons — but never got their compensation, then you have the option to fight for it on their behalf. A family member can receive a one-time payment on behalf of an eligible person if that person never received their compensation. You might want to do everything that you can to fight for what your loved one and the compensation that they were entitled to, and you might be able to do this.
It Shouldn't Be Hard to Get Compensation
If you are someone who is eligible for compensation through the RECA, you might be worried that you won't be able to get compensated. You could be worried that the process will be really difficult and time-consuming. However, you might find that getting your compensation will be pretty easy. There are even lawyers out there that you can hire to help you. With their help, you will hopefully be able to get compensated quickly and with as few problems as possible.
For more information on RECA, contact a professional near you.