Four Common Orthopedic Injuries And Treatment Options
An orthopedic injury happens when a part of the musculoskeletal system is damaged. This type of injury can happen in a variety of ways including getting into an accident, overuse of a certain body part due to repetitive motions, or simple wear and tear. Damage to the musculoskeletal system can also be a result of a work-related injury or sports injury.
Here are four common orthopedic injuries and treatment options for each.
Tennis Elbow
When muscles in the arm, forearm, and hand get overused, it can cause elbow pain. The reason this condition is called tennis elbow is that tennis players are prone to getting this type of orthopedic injury because of the repetitive use of these particular muscles.
Other people who might be prone to this condition include plumbers, automotive workers, and chefs. Treatment options for tennis elbow include over-the-counter pain medication, physical therapy, and surgery.
ACL Tear
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is located in the middle of the knee. ACL tears are a common type of sports injury that can be caused by jumping, sudden stops, and quick changes in direction.
Athletes that are prone to this type of orthopedic injury include basketball and football players, downhill skiers, and gymnasts. Some of the most common types of treatment options for an ACL tear is rest, icing the knee, compression, elevation, rehabilitative therapy, and surgery.
Rotator Cuff Tear
The rotator cuff is made up of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. People who repeatedly do overhead motions are the most susceptible to this type of orthopedic injury. This includes baseball players, painters, and carpenters.
Treatment options for rotator cuff tears include steroid injections and physical therapy. In severe cases, different types of shoulder surgery may be recommended. Some of the most common types of shoulder surgeries for rotator cuff tears include arthroscopic tendon repair, bone spur removal, and shoulder replacement.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This orthopedic injury affects the hands and fingers, often causing excruciating pain. The pain is caused by the compression of the median nerve. This nerve runs along the carpal bones, through the wrist, and along the tendons in the hand.
People who overextend their wrists for long periods of time, such as those who type, use a keyboard, do assembly work, or play the piano, are prone to getting carpal tunnel syndrome. Some ways to treat this condition include taking frequent breaks, wearing a wrist splint, applying cold packs, and surgery. To learn more, contact a clinic like Omaha Orthopedic Clinic & Sports Medicine PC.