Looking Beyond Pain Meds: Back Pain Relief And Management Options
When you have been struggling for years with chronic back pain issues, whether those issues are from an injury or from another condition, you may find yourself in a troublesome position. On the one hand, you do not want to be in constant pain. But on the other hand, you may be concerned about the frequent use of prescription painkillers and the effect those medications can have on your health. Pain management and back pain relief can be accomplished without always turning to prescription drug use. Get to know some of these options available to you so you can be sure you make the best decisions in your chronic back pain management:
Massage Therapy
No matter what the cause of your chronic back pain, the sheer fact that you are in pain can cause muscle tensions throughout your body. Your muscles often contract to try to support an area that is weakened or painful and can also become chronically tense from overcompensation for the affected area or simply from the stress of being in pain.
Because of this, massage therapy can be a beneficial pain management and treatment option for you. Going to a massage therapist once a month or even once a week can help to keep your muscles loose and prevent muscle knots that could be making your chronic back pain even worse.
Aside from the immediate pain relief of having relaxed muscles, massage therapy also tends to help a person feel more relaxed and calm in general. This sense of calm can also reduce a person's overall experience of pain and improve their mood and sense of well-being.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Experiencing chronic back pain can take an extreme toll on a person's mental and emotional health. People in constant pain often have a poor self-image, may suffer from depression and anxiety, and could engage in unhealthy avoidance behaviors as a result of their pain.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a counseling technique that helps a person to change the ways in which they think, how they process their feelings, and the patterns of behavior they engage in. This can help a person to learn how to deal with their chronic pain better and even learn to accept their pain as a part of their daily life. Learning to accept the presence of pain rather than constantly try to fight against it can open a person up to the possibility of living with their pain and learning to tolerate the presence of some level of pain.
Oftentimes, people with chronic pain disorders consciously or unconsciously put their life and goals on hold, thinking that they will start their life once their pain is gone or dealt with. However, with chronic pain issues, this may not ever happen and it is important to learn how to move forward in life and enjoy your life even with chronic pain issues.
Now that you know a few of the ways that you can manage your chronic back pain and get some relief from the effects it has on your life, you can be sure you begin taking the necessary steps to improve your life and situation.
Contact a medical office like The Pain Management Group for more information and