Questions And Answers About Bone Grafts For Dental Implants
Dental implants are commonly used to replace a patient's lost teeth. However, before a dental implant can be placed in the jawbone, the dentist must be sure that the patient has enough bone available for the installation.
People can lose jawbone density for a variety of reasons, such as trauma to the mouth, the wearing of dentures for a lengthy period, periodontal disease or severe cases of dental decay. In order for the jawbone to maintain sufficient density, it must receive enough stimulation from bite pressure to promote the steady generation of new bone cells. Once the jaw bone atrophies, without a bone graft, the density may not resurge to the proper levels. If you are considering a dental implant and do not have enough jawbone available, your dentist may prescribe a bone graft. Here is a bit of information about bone grafting for dental implants:
From where does the bone used in a bone graft come?
If your dentist will be completing a bone graft to add thickness to your jawbone, he or she has several options for harvesting the bone. Often, the bone can be harvested from another place within your own body. This is often a good option because your body is unlikely to reject its own bone immunologically.
If you do not have enough of your own bone available for harvesting, the dentist may be able to acquire the bone from a donor. The donor does not have to be a living individual. Instead, it could be a cadaver or even an animal, such as a pig.
A bone graft may even use a synthetic bone material to add density to the jawbone so that an implant can be placed.
Does the bone graft procedure take place in a hospital?
Most bone grafts actually take place in a dental office. The dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the site of the grafting.
Are there special medications provided after the bone graft?
After a bone graft, the dentist is likely to prescribe antibiotics and pain medication. The antibiotics lessen the risk of infection so that the bone is more likely to heal properly. The pain medication is used to reduce the amount of discomfort from the procedure.
Can a dental implant be placed immediately after the bone graft procedure?
The dental implant cannot be installed until the bone graft has healed properly. The implant will be drilled into the jawbone. Since the metal implant will fuse with the jawbone during the healing process, it is important that the bone be prepared for the implant's placement.
To learn more about bone grafts that may be required before a dental implant, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your area, such as one from Oral Surgery Center.