Dealing With Foot Pain? Two Signs That You Should See A Podiatrist
If you're dealing with foot pain on a regular basis, you may think that it's simply a part of growing older, or you may have memories of accidents or other occurrences in the past that caused the problem. However, while you may have resigned yourself to dealing with the issue, there could be something else more major going on that requires the care of a specialized professional. Instead of ignoring chronic foot pain, use this information to learn more about the signs that it's time to see a podiatrist.
Frequent Foot Swelling
Because it is relatively common for people to have swollen feet, it can be easy to chalk it up to tight shoes or failure to elevate the feet. However, when your feet swell on a consistent basis and you've already changed your shoes and made other accommodations, it's time to visit a podiatrist.
When your feet swell, it is likely because there is poor blood circulation to that part of your body. If this is indeed your problem, you may find that your feet are nearly always cold, or that they are numb or slightly painful to the touch. Although it can be easy to administer at-home remedies such as foot baths, this doesn't get to the root of the problem and may only serve to mask a more serious problem that could be the main culprit.
A podiatrist will be able to properly diagnose your feet swelling issue and administer the treatment that you need.
You Experience Heel Pain
Heel pain is another issue that may require the assistance of a podiatrist. Dealing with heel pain can be particularly difficult, since it may affect your ability to walk without limping as you go about your daily duties.
If you experience sharp, stabbing pains as you stand on your feet, it could indicate that there is a bone spur causing the problem. Your podiatrist may suggest custom-made orthotic shoes as treatment because they conform to your feet and provide the additional padding you need for comfort. If this doesn't work, surgery may even be necessary so that the condition will not worsen and make it increasingly difficult for you to walk or stand.
You don't have to deal with the difficulties of foot pain on your own. If you notice any of these symptoms, take the time to schedule an appointment with a podiatrist right away so you can get the relief you deserve.
Contact a group like Family Foot & Ankle Physicians to learn more.