Situations That Might Necessitate Chiropractic Care For Your Child
When your child is not doing well, you might be at a loss for exactly how to fix the problem. A younger child or a baby cannot tell you exactly what hurts or what is going wrong. This can make problem solving very difficult. Here are some common childhood and infancy problems that have the potential to be fixed with chiropractic care.
1. Your Child is Having a Hard Time Nursing
There's nothing more frustrating than watching your child have a hard time nursing. You are trying to provide food and nutrients to your child but he or she is somehow unable to take it. You might try a variety of techniques to help your child become a stronger nurser but nothing seems to help. Taking your child to the chiropractor has the potential to help your child release any tension that he or she has in his or her joints. Getting rid of that tension will get rid of any irritation to the nervous system, which could be irritating and locking up your child's tongue. Once your child's tongue is no longer being irritated, he or she should have an easier time latching on and being able to nurse. Make sure that you find a chiropractor that specializes in infants before committing to an appointment.
2. Uneven Gait
Another common problem that children experience is having an uneven gait when they learn to walk. If you have a child who is walking with a limp but is not showing any signs of pain, but only signs of stiffness, then he or she might benefit from chiropractic care. A chiropractor will be able to loosen the joints in your child's legs and align his or her back so that he or she will be more responsive to therapies that attempt to fix his or her gait. If a child's joints are not loose enough to actually walk the correct way, then all of the gait-correcting therapy in the world is not going to be effective.
3. Chronic Colds
Finally, you want to make sure that your child goes to the chiropractor if he or she always seems to be suffering from a cold. If your child constantly has a cold, then his or her immune system is not working properly. One way to bolster your child's immune system is to make sure that all of his or her fluid systems are clear by having him or her go to the chiropractor. Realigning your child's body will result in his or her fluid systems being realigned and cleared as well.
See if your situation matches any of the above situations and then talk to your child's pediatrician about the possible benefits of chiropractic care to resolve that situation.
For more information, talk with a local chiropractic care center, such as Citrus Chiropractic Group.